Friday, September 04, 2009

This is pure, unadulterated hogwash!

Boy, did I get a sinking feeling in my gut when reading this...I would beg to differ with the author stating that most Americans admire most Chinese, and mainly because of the 2008 Beijing Olympics (!?!). This smacks of appeasement and butt-kissing of those who continue to lend us money beyond all sanity and reason. I am embarrassed. China has most of our lost manufacturing jobs!!! They don't deserve their flag flying over our White House. The more I think about this, the angrier I get.

Friday, July 17, 2009

My question is, why did the clowns in DC and business allow our manufacturing base to erode to nearly nothing while they knew the Baby Boom demographic was going to be retiring and needing services as they age? They aren't interested in doing what's best for the American people-they're just interested in servicing their own greed!

Congressional Budget Office-"The federal budget is on an unsustainable path"

Patrick J. Buchanan: Socialist America Sinking

Thursday, June 04, 2009

11 bodies found inside abandoned car in Mexico

I haven't checked yet, but somehow I believe that I won't see this article in the U.S. mainstream press....what the hell is it going to take to admit we have a war on our Southern border and that we need to do something about it?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

American capitalism gone with a whimper...

I've been having a really sick feeling in the pit of my stomach recently, then I logged on today and read this in Pravda...God help us. And this much is clear-it's God, in whatever form you believe him/her/spirit to be, and the following of those principles in your own life, that will save us. Not Dear Leader Obama, not the GOP, not some 'holy person' standing in a pulpit pontificating about what they think you should act like. Only your own moral compass following right action and thought.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor 'La Raza member'

Racism is racism, no matter who initiates it. There is no such thing as 'reverse racism'.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Named and shamed: the 16 barred from UK

Have they finally, completely, lost their minds? Like the U.S. with our illegal immigrant problem, Britain is apparently turning a blind eye to their radical Muslim difficulties. They'll keep out someone like Savage, who defends Borders, Language, and Culture to keep the integrity of a nation, but will accept Muslim terrorist wannabes who rule their police-deprived neighborhoods with Sharia law? Canada has gone the same way, and the States here aren't too far behind them...I never thought I'd see such a screwed-up world as what's on our doorstep now!

This is what Minnesota has to look forward to?